Harow’s Arcade Sofa Is the Perfect Conversation Piece for Your Game Room

Harow’s Arcade Sofa Is the Perfect Conversation Piece for Your Game Room

Published: September 9, 2017 | By: American Luxury Staff

Retro games have enjoyed a resurgence in recent years, and now the gamer enamored of classic arcade style can enhance their entertainment room with furniture than pays playful homage to the $.25 diversions.

Harow‘s Arcade Sofa is the perfect choice for those looking to add additional pop-culture references to their game rooms, or declare their allegiance to a favorite gaming icon. It’s a serious conversation starter that happens to be very comfortable.

The Arcade Sofa is crafted entirely in Paris, France. Harow’s unique lounge is built using steel, recycled wood, and velvet. It’s stylish, and eco-conscious, too. And, the bright designs hide a careful and artistic design style; they’re not just cool, they’re MoMA-chic.

Each sofa is made to order, which means customers can personalize their sofa with a number of graphics options. Customers may also request a special configuration and size unique to the intended space.

4315 September 9, 2017 Interior Design September 9, 2017