German-Made alphaEOS Claims Much Better Energy Efficiency Than Nest

German-Made alphaEOS Claims Much Better Energy Efficiency Than Nest

Published: September 22, 2015 | By: American Luxury Staff

While smart home advances have become increasingly popular, the alphaEOS system now claims to be the most efficient of the energy-saving devices on the market.

Nest is one of the most popular learning thermostats and is able to save owners anywhere from 10 to 12 percent on their heating bills. However, the new German startup claims to sport energy reduction numbers of around 40 percent.

AlphaEOS uses a network of wireless sensors to monitor heating and cooling, including local climate and weather data. Aimed at energy reduction and management, the new device doesn’t just measure outside temperatures, but factors in and predicts meteorological readings like sunlight, humidity, and temperature to adjust in-home controls.

The new alphaEOS system is easily controlled by a smartphone or tablet app, but ensures minimal owner contribution, so customers can focus on more important things than adjusting the thermostat.

Although currently available in Central Europe, the company hasn’t yet identified a release date for the United States.




5136 September 22, 2015 Home Automation, Tech September 22, 2015