At $17M, the World’s Most Expensive Shoes

At $17M, the World’s Most Expensive Shoes

Published: October 11, 2018 | By: American Luxury Staff

The high-end shoe market is no stranger to expensive, luxurious kicks. For those conspicuous consumers with the pockets deep enough to satisfy any whim come the most expensive shoes on the market. The set can be your last word in hoof-wear for $17 million.

Sky high and stunning, the Passion Diamond heels are the headliner in the new collection of footwear from Jada Dubai. The luxury brand partnered with Dubai’s Passion Jewelers to create the shoes.

Yes indeed, that is real gold on them thar heels, and each is accented with a 15-carat diamond as a culmination. 235 additional diamonds are used to add an exterior line to the shoe, adding just the right amount of ostentatious sparkle.

The Passion Diamond heels will be on display at Burh Al Arab alongside a number of other high-end shoes.

3999 October 11, 2018 Fashion, Women October 11, 2018