This $700 Stroller Will Track Your Workout, Charge Your Phone

This $700 Stroller Will Track Your Workout, Charge Your Phone

Published: July 25, 2016 | By: American Luxury Staff

New tech has helped parents in plenty of ways from heartbeat monitors to video monitors and more. Now new parents can track their workouts with the new Moxi stroller by 4moms.

The ultra-modern stroller is ideal for supermoms and superdads on the go. In addition to keeping the child safe and comfortable, the stroller is able to generate energy when pushed that can then be used to charge a cellphone.

Perfect for the 21st-century parent in mind, 4moms’ high-tech stroller is also able to power its own headlights and taillights for ideal visibility on neighborhood streets. The stroller also connects to a companion app that allows users to alter various controls.

It also doubles as a fitness tracker and is able to track how far a parent pushes their child and the calories they burn while doing so.

Additional features include storage space, a retractable canopy, an adjustable handle, and the ability to face the baby in either direction. Moxi can also accommodate newborns to children up to 55 pounds.

Available this October, the Moxi stroller will be available for $700.






2404 July 25, 2016 Lifestyle July 25, 2016