David Rockefeller’s Manhattan Home Hits the Market at $57.5M

Published: August 3, 2023 | By: American Luxury Staff

The in-town home of David Rockefeller appeared on the New York open market this summer with an asking price of $57.5 million.. The Manhattan townhouse was owned by the investment banker for seven decades. Rockefeller died in 2017.

The 1924-built red brick property is located in the UES neighborhood of Lenox Hill. Rockefeller and his wife Peggy amassed an art collection over the years that would give a museum a run for its money — it fetched nearly a billion when it went to auction in 2018 — and the residence, in its present interior form, reflects it; it is the product of a four-year restoration and renovation project which apparently attempts to strike a balance between the history represented by the home and its future.

As a result, the house has a remarkable personality, as décor becomes pastiche, moving through its rooms becomes something of an adventure . The kitchen is left fairly staid, tasteful but uncomplicated, allowing gastronomic interests to wax unimpeded. The drawing room is a freewheeling travel-log; in the dining room, portraits preside over the table, one of which is a Warholian rendering of Franz Kafka.

The 12,500 sq. ft. residence has four levels to its credit, and a rooftop terrace besides. Additional amenities include a gym slash basketball court slash screening room, a golf simulator room, a scullery, a three-suite private level, and a garden.




4750 August 3, 2023 Real Estate August 3, 2023