Bang & Olufsen’s Latest Wireless Speakers Fight Against Obsolescence With Replaceable Modules

Bang & Olufsen’s Latest Wireless Speakers Fight Against Obsolescence With Replaceable Modules

Published: March 16, 2023 | By: American Luxury Staff

Fighting the tendency of tech toward speedy obsolescence, Bang & Olufsen’s new Beosound entries, the fifth-gen Beosound A9 and third-gen Beosound 2  systems, may represent a relatively safe haven for your next investment in audio playback.

The heart of the new series is a module that can be easily replaced if…or, rather, when…it becomes passé; the updated designs follow in line with the trend toward modular manufacturing seen in the automotive industry. In the meantime, obsolescence is further delayed by updates to the unit’s software, B&O’s ‘Mozart’ platform, newly included on the new Beosound A9 and Beosound 2 units.

Sustainability is part of the picture as well, of course, and B&O is intent on working toward a ‘circular’ factory ideal: a ‘build, sell, recycle and rebuild’ progression. In this way, the firm again adapts trends seen in car manufacturing, particularly those exhibited by fellow Scandinavian design legend Volvo.

The new Beosound A9 — classic archery target looks intact — is available now for $3,699. The new Beosound 2 is on target to be in shops next month with a $3,199 price tag.

1399 March 16, 2023 Audio, Tech March 16, 2023