Fred Armisen Seeking $3.5M for Vintage Brick House in L.A.

Published: November 5, 2022 | By: American Luxury Staff

Portlandia co-creator Fred Armisen listed his engaging red brick residence in Los Angeles this autumn. Armisen is seeking $3.495 million for the 3,500 square-footer, which is located in the hills above Los Feliz.

A 1927-vintage home, the five-bedroom, four-bath English Cottage-style has seen sensitive renovations. Armisen’s ownership tenure lasted six years prior to the listing, so it’s a safe bet he commissioned them, or carried them out personally.

The result is a very tasteful modernization. The judicious use of color in the living room is a good example: dark red as an accent, with glazed fireplace tiles in variations on mid-blue, black trim and doors, dentil molding for a bit of additional texture, and what appear to be original oak floors completing the composition. This kind of artistic circumspection is very nice to come home to.

The kitchen’s overarching tone is mid-gray, a tricky number for a kitchen, especially one that transitions seamlessly into a window-seat dayroom. Here it works a treat by virtue of the liberation offered by a bright blue oven door, with dark blue, wood tones, and a bit of plaid for the seat cushion backing things up.

The private spaces err on the brighter side, with one dedicated bath receiving classical white subway tile, and light gray dominant in another. Views from the bedrooms — both cozy but optimistic too — take in local geological undulations and associated scrub, as well as Griffith Park and downtown.

A gem.

1906 November 5, 2022 Real Estate November 5, 2022