Land Rover Explore Smartphone Back With a New Edition

Land Rover Explore Smartphone Back With a New Edition

Published: September 19, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

The next-gen Land Rover smartphone was revealed this week as a follow-up to the original. This time around, the phone is linked to the classic rough-n-ready outback and off-roader, the Defender. It’s called the Land Rover Explorer R and, as you might’ve surmised, it is built to be as tough a bushwhacker as the model from which its spirit is derived.

The Explorer R boasts a thicker bezel and a battery life that will extend beyond the expected—an anxiety-reducing safety feature that could prove to be a lifesaver should an off-road excursion go south. It can be submerged in up to three feet of water for up to 35 minutes without worry, and it is designed to absorb shocks that would slay lesser smartphones.

All of this comes by way of certain concessions to absolute up-to-date tech. The camera is old hat, it doesn’t have much in the way of storage, and the display is far from cutting edge. But this isn’t a phone to show off in coffee-shops, after all. It’s more of a tool, like the Defender itself.

3158 September 19, 2020 Mobile, Tech September 19, 2020