Wilt Chamberlain’s Singular Bel Air Architectural Available for $14.9M After Price Chop

Published: August 15, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

Back in the summer of 2018, the onetime Southern California home of Wilt Chamberlain hit the open market with an asking price of $19 million.

The Bel-Air property is significant for several reasons. For one, its grounds extend to over 2.5 acres; for another, its architecture is wildly expressive, with the massive buttresses and the strength they suggest contrasted with colored glass mosaic flourishes—a decorative touch of the home’s late 1960s/early 1970s vintage—and the natural beauty of the mature trees of the lot. And then there are the mythological associations of the property’s larger-than-life original owner.

The 7,158 square footer’s interiors boast timber, cut glass, stone, and massive windows. Water features and paths give the interior/exterior style nice definition, encouraging meandering between.

An unusually fine home that is well on its way to being historic. $14.9 million.

3483 August 15, 2020 Real Estate August 15, 2020